Kamis, 28 April 2016

Money and Happiness

Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris

Disususn oleh :

Amalia Pangestu (10215605)
Kelas : 1EA08
Fakultas Ekonomi Manajemen S-1
Universitas Gunadarma

Money and Happiness

The list of things you could do with money is practically limitless. I support the idea that it could and does create happiness and a wad of cash can definitely lift you from depression. But I put most of my emphasis on what one does with money. Money is a powerful tool and when misused can backfire. Wasteful spending and gluttony creates an unhealthy wellbeing that plagues ones mindset. Use money to help you experience the world and it will certainly become beneficial.
Most stressful and depressing situations arise because of money problems. We spend too much time trying to make money that we don’t savor life as it is. We want to be a part of our children’s lives and be there during every step but then who will pay for rent, electricity, mortgage, food and healthcare? Money helps to alleviate the pressure applied on parents, college students with loans and people who are working just to keep their head above water. This is why people strive and go great lengths for money. Not because of what money is but what money does.
Ultimately saying that money cannot buy happiness is an ignorant way of looking at things. Life is not pretty without money. Though, even with that being said greed and gluttony is the exact opposite of happiness and can corrupt the mind. One cannot be truly happy if he is experiencing it alone. Happiness is best shared. Humans are altruistic beings, we benefit from working and growing together as a whole. There are numerous studies that show that giving something to others brings us more happiness than if we were to use it ourself.
We perceive money as a way of acquiring possessions and showing off like buying countless of sport cars and driving Bugatti’s down the highway. There is much to money than just boosting our ego. The quality of life and our happiness within it are to a great extent based on what we done in life and experienced. Without money we worry about our safety in the future, work double as much as we should. With money we experience, we live, we do. Going camping with the kids, a trip to Bali, diving in Lombok.
There is a greatness that comes with money but only if it is used properly and responsibly

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